Mantras, Karma, Devata

Mantras, Karma and Remedies

One of the main benefits of Vedic Astrology that we have at our disposal are remedies which can improve our karma and our lives. These remedies have the ability to help a person get a promotion, a new job, a new partner, save their marriage, or choose the right field of education to guarantee success, etc

Vedic Astrology shows us ways how we can influence any part of our lives, for example how we can get a promotion, improve our financial situation or find a live partner.
Remedies to karmic problems can be of different nature. Sometimes we are required to donate to certain organization that work with people that we might have hurt in our past lives (such as Greenpeace, places that help women that have experienced domestic violence etc.) At other times we use Mantras, meditation, pilgrimage, rituals or render service to others.

The perspective applied is that at all times inner and outer experience are in a direct exchange. By changing either the inner frequency or certain outer circumstances we try to bring the clients wished results, such as financial gain, health and others.


Mantras are an important part of my tradition, as well as in nearly every major spiritual or yoga tradition originating in India.

The knowledge we can gain from the study of Mantra is endless. The Sanskrit language is also hugely important to comprehend Mantras. It offers guidance regarding their correct intonation and deeper meaning. 

In short the purpose of Mantras is to modify some frequency within us and thus modify our karmic tendencies. For the most part, in our day to day lives we are acting upon unconscious thought patterns of which we are completely unaware. It is with our thoughts that we create our reality anew every moment. But we tend to get stuck in certain unconscious patterns and these seem to control our lives. Mantras are one of the most effective ways to transform our minds and change such patterns, ensuring that we act consciously and attract the better things into our lives.
The sound vibration and meaning of a mantra shifts our thinking patterns and attitudes by changing our own inner vibration, not only on a mental level but also in a deeper sense, because the mantra directly shifts our karmic tendencies and our relationship with the planets (which indicate our karma). 
Mantras may be recited either aloud or in silence but it is recommended that, after having practiced its intonation for some time, we take the Mantra into our inner realm and recite it silently within. This way it is working on the subtle level of our mind. 

Devatas or Deities

Mantras work independently of our beliefs, but are directly connected to the deities of the hinduistic and vedic mythology.

Even if Mantras work without devotion and the belief into a god or something similar it is easier if we connect with the deities to bring about results. Deities have to be understood as frequencies of our reality that exist both inside and outside of ourselves. In all religions and cultures of the past we will tend to find different deities described with similar qualities, functions and tasks or duties. The idea behind this was that the natural world in front of us is reflected in the world above us. Similarly, the frequencies of all these devatas are meant to exist inside and outside of us. This way if we connect ourselves with a certain deity we also strengthen that deities’ qualities inside of ourselves and bring that deities blessings into our life.


Karma is initially a term in Sanskrit which simply means action, yet it defines an entire philosophy. The most central point of it is, that we are responsible for our actions and that every action will influence our future.

Karma has to be understood in its connection to “Samsara” which is the cycle of life and rebirth. It means that our current life is the result of our actions in past lives etc. and at the same time that we will influence our future by our current actions, thoughts and general way of life.

As such Karma is not just a theory of fate or destiny that makes us irresponsible, as if our future is written in stone, but much rather it says that only we ourselves are responsible for our experiences. This way it is also only on us to change our lives and make sure we live up to its highest potential. This is also the premise for Vedic Astrology and the frame from which we as Vedic Astrologers are working.

A birth chart can be seen as a map that shows our karmic tendencies, desires, experiences and opportunites which have manifested themselves in this current life.

Karma can be distinguished in several ways for example:

Samchita Karma: the sum of all our Karmas of the past.

Prarabdha Karma: Karma that will be experienced in this life and is visible in the birth chart.

Kriyamana Karma: Karma based on our actions in our current life.

Agama Karma: Karma that’s created by our desires and that influences our future experiences.

Also there are different intensities of Karma:

Drdha Karma: fixed Karma, so Karma that can’t be changed in this life. For example: nobody can change his biological parents in this life. Buddha called it: “written in stone”.

Drdha-Adrhdha Karma: Karma that can be changed through persistent spiritual practice and proper ethical living.

Adrdha Karma: Easily changeable Karma, by some spiritual practice etc. The Buddha called it: “written in sand”.

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